Saturday, June 9, 2007

marvin and jolina in cebu!!! - day four

Bacolod team w/ the winning banner by the unbeatable Jimjimmy and Flordeluns

Forgive my camera phone. Dnt worry i'll explain. That's Dit2 sittin on a bamboo throne being carried by two men. she''s holding a masskara, at her back was the banner. So it's a banner contest, not a beauty contest.. hehe ara da si Dit2 to do the 30-second explaination of the entry. Btw, kita nyo na ang nakabarong gasunod?
] si Pader ina gina bantayan anak ya basi mahulog hahahaha



namit buffet sa City Sports :)

naririto ang pangkat namin.. sa Bacolod pa naggaling..

pangkat namin pogi na.. pangkat namin macho pa..

most of all kami daku tiyan! ehehe

Kaya ko to! (lupok! lupok!.. ang isa wala nag lupok!)

ay abaw.. toting!

pamilya-wala-ka-agi-perdi... tikalon lang galing kis a hehehe